Monthly Archives: March 2014


Is Addiction Counseling More Beneficial Solo or With a Companion

An addiction is something that can line someone’s life with more problems than ever imagined. When an addiction takes hold of someone’s life, changes need to be made. This is when addiction recovery must come into place. Rehab programs and recovery programs can truly help an individual who is struggling with an addiction. There’s the question however of how this recovery process should go about. Is it more beneficial for a person who is dealing with an addiction to attend recovery sessions with a Companion, or is it a better idea for an individual to take on this task by themselves. Here in this article will show you a few pros and cons of each style of the recovery process.

Each Individual Has Their Own Specific Set of Needs

We must remember that the addiction recovery process is going to be different for each individual. When one individual may feel they need companionship during the addiction recovery process, another individual may be much more individualistic and feel like we need to face the challenge on there. Each individual have different feelings regarding the addiction recovery process. It is important to remember that each individual have a slightly different way of recovering from addiction.

Addiction Counseling

Companionship Can be a Great Form of Support for an Individual Dealing with Addiction

Companionship can be a great form of support for an individual that is dealing with an addiction. Especially for those who are married, espouse an offer a lot of support. This support can be there for an individual is feeling the loss. A companion can be a shoulder to lean on, and a pillar of support during these hard times.

Some Individuals May Feel the Need to Face This Challenge Alone

Well some individuals feel as though they may need a companion to completely addiction recovery process, other individuals feel the need to face this challenge alone. They may feel that they got themselves here making get themselves out. They also may feel embarrassed that they are in the situation to begin with. When an individual feels as though they need to face this challenge loan, the loved ones around the must respect this. When someone chooses to go through the addiction recovery process alone, they need to Make sure they reach out to’s resources that are out there. Articles on the Internet, group therapy sessions, therapist, rehab programs, and much more can help this individual on the road to recovery alone. Self-help books and motivational speakers can also help in this recovery process. Forming new habits can really help an individual lead a new productive life. When individuals dealing with an addiction, you need to get out of their old patterns of thinking into a new. Most likely they are using their addiction to fill hole in their lives. Instead of filling a hole with an addiction an individual can fill that hole with purpose meaning and contribution.